Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hellebore of some type

Well the weather has been cooler than i would prefer it to be. I have nothing in the ground yet (not even my potatoes). The birds dont seem to mind the cool spring. There have been alot of Blue Birds in the yard this year. One is very confused and prefers its reflection in windows to other actual Blue Birds. There have been a good amount of Gold Finches chasing eachother about. And also a group of  Yellow Rumped warblers. Ive seen a few osprey flying over the marsh. Yesterday afternoon an Osprey was flying low over the marsh and would stop every so often to hover and kick its legs mid air (i assum scanning the water for fish/frogs etc). It was kind of entertaining to watch.  Unfortunatly I have not seen or heard the Belted Kingfisher in about a week.

So here is a picture of one of the perennial non-native plants in the yard. Its some kind of Hellebore (the tag is missing so cant give the exact name).

1 comment:

  1. Rob & I walked around Silver Lake last Sunday - saw a couple of swans,a wood duck, grackles, chickadees, a goldfinch, cardinals & a couple of jays. None of which are terribly exciting, I know, but it was great to hear them making a racket after a really long spring.

    Glad you're back on the blog. Great photos, as usual!
