Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Chestnut Sided Warbler! and other birds!

It seems everyday there is a new warbler in the yard! Its pretty exciting! Today I saw two Chestnut Sided Warblers!

I also saw a Red-eyed Vireo

I saw two Great Crested Flycatchers

There were five Brown Headed Cowbirds (three males and two females) only got pictures of two males.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blackburnian Warbler

Today was a surprise day off. Woke up at 6am to get ready for work only to get called that my shift has been canceled. So I planted some eggplant, green and yellow peppers and some swiss chard. I went and ran some errands and it started sprinkling when I got back so I decided to bird watch from the deck.

I noticed this lil black and white bird with a splash of orange and figured it to be a Blackburnian Warbler. I tried playing its call and it would respond but not move any closer. After about 15 mins of that i stopped and just assumed either it had flown away or would be back shortly. I then heard it calling again and it slowly moved closer to the branches above the deck.

Its a very pretty bird. I think Warblers are my new favorite.

Blackburnian Warbler

Monday, May 27, 2013

A good weekend

Having the past two days off from work allowed me to get some yard work done. I got a few things planted but there is still lots to do.

I sent the pictures of the dead bird I found to the Bell Museum. They identified it as a Yellow Warbler but did not want the bird because it was not in good enough condition.

I saw a few American Redstarts yesterday

Yellow Warbler


Looking at the photos again, I think this is actually a Wilsons Warbler.

Common Yellowthroat


Scat with bones and fur (not sure what animals scat this is)

Red Squirrel

This was a surprise today, a Common Nighthawk. I heard its "peent" call and decided to look for it. For such a stationary bird taking its photo was quite difficult.




Monday, May 20, 2013

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds!

The hummingbirds finally showed up! It was exciting! last Sunday I saw my first one. I know of at least two (a male and female i believe ) that have visited the feeders.

Also some Swallows have moved into one of the bird houses.

And sadly today I came across a dead bird, not sure what kind it is. I called the DNR and they were uninterested.