Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Belted Kingfisher

The other day I spotted a Belted Kingfisher roaming around the marsh. So yesterday I spent the entire afternoon waiting a listening for its rattle. I took alot of bad pictures. The Belted Kingfisher only got close late in the evning when it was getting dark. I think its a female because it has some brown on its belly.

Here'a picture of an Eastern Phoebe

And this might be an osprey... not sure, its a terrible picture.
 And this Canadian Goose is sitting on her clutch of eggs. (at least i think its the female). She hasent moved since yesterday and her mate has been no where to be seen since yesterday morning as well.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Swans and other visitors

A day or so ago i was out on the deck haveing a cup of coffee enjoying the morning when i heard a trumpet like noise. And guess who decided to stop by the marsh. A pair of swans. I guess they are tundra swans if i am correct. Cant remember exactly what kind of swan has been known to nest over in the lake on Lexington.

Today I was out on the deck having some coffee paging through a birdwatchers book and looked up to see this Racoon in the yard. 
he had been grooming himself in a tree but when i went in for my camera he dicded to relocate to my neighbors yard. 

Only got a few somewhat decent shots of him. The wind picked up for a second and blew the shed door open making alot of noise. So i went to close it and he climbed into the hole of the tree. 

Went down to the marsh edge and got a closer photo of a Great White Egret. 
 The other day I went to the North end of Snail Lake looking for the pair of Turkeys. The Tom turkey made alot of noise but didnt give me a chance to get his picture. I was afraid to follow him around after gobbling at me. 
Luckily before I left a pair of Red Tail Hawks gave me a chance to get some decent photos.

And here is a really bad photo of a Common Flicker

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Time pictures and a video!

So its spring.  Its been fun to watch the animals pair up and fight over nesting spots.

We have had 10 Great White Egrets in the Marsh this year.
Here is a photo of just one of them. The interesting thing that I noticed is that Egrets do not like Bald Eagles. I have noticed that everytime a Bald Eagle flys over all the Egrets in the Marsh will take to the air until the Eagle has left the area. One afternoon the Eagle landed in a tree overlooking the marsh and the Egrets circled for about 10 mins before finding a corner out of the Eagles line of sight. 

Here is a Mallard. 
And a group of 3 males 
 What I find interesting about the Mallards is how far a Male Mallard will chase another male or another pair away from his female and nesting site. I watched the same male chase off another pair of Mallards and fly over 5 mins in the air around the marsh before returning to his female.

Here is a picture of the first Earthworm of the year.

First Crocus
and his friends a day later

A Muskrat from before the snow and ice was all gone.
here is a video i took just yesterday at sun set. Its a really big Muskrat... or a Beaver, probably a muskrat.
A pair of Northern Shovelers
And a really bad photo of what I am fairley certain is an American Coot
Wood Ducks in a tree

The Red Squirrel
The Chipmunk who lives under the deck and who i feed peanuts to
I went for a walk over on the north end of Snail Lake. Found a pair of Turkeys but couldnt get a clear shot. I am afraid to get too close and have a big tom Turkey charge me.
A dead frog.
Great Blue Heron

And lastly I saw this Canadian Goose the other day.  He's tagged. But i cant read the numbers.
The tag could say 3QL50.