Sunday, July 25, 2010

The veggies

My veggies are doing nicely. I got my first tomato yesterday. There are no other tomatoes even with a hint of red on them yet.  My single cucumber plant is i think trying to take over the world, i have gotten at least 20 cucumbers off it so far this season. Maybe even more. I havent kept count but have been just giving them away. My green beans are also doing great. Brought probably a pound and a half to work yesterday. Eggplant has blooms hopefully i will get some fruit. Green peppers have blooms haven't seen any fruit. I have two jalapeƱos. its been a nice summer. Just surprised its almost august and I have only 1 tomato and no eggplant or green peppers. Its just been a very odd summer.

Here are some before/after photos of the veggies beds.

This is what the sqwash/potato/tomato/green pepper bed(s) looked like in May

And this is what it looks like now

This is the trellis in May (loufah gourd(2)& 1 cumber)
This is the trellis now

This is the Cabbage/beets/eggplant/parsnips/lettuce/swisschard bed in May
The climbing spinach in May
And now

The green beans/brocolli/ peas/brussel sprouts / dill bed in April
And now

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Peter Rabbit and other photos

There is a rabbit who enjoys my garden just as much as I do. I can find him/her out nibbling on my beats and cabbage most afternoons. He isnt afraid of me, but it doesnt do too much damage so im ok with it.

I took some better pictures of one of the Green Herons

I think this is a Balloon Flower
Chipmunk loves peanuts

Found this bug in the sink in the basement

Found this caterpillar, not sure what kind it is

Turkeys. Mom and her one chick. Havent seen any males around, and have never seen her with more than the one baby.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Here's some photo of bugs
Phymata Ambush Bug

Red Milkweed Beetle

Robber Fly

Lady Bug pupa

Sawfly (a big one)


Red Admiral

And this last one, I dont know what it is. Ive been trying to get its picture for a while.

Its like some weird bee but its body is red. Ive seen it feed on milkweed like a butterfly or moth. The thing does not like to sit still.

Invasives everywhere

It really makes me sad to look out on the hill behind my house and see 90% of the plants are invasive non-natives.
Here is a list of non-native invasive plants I have found:
Bull Thistle
Canadian Thistle
Perennial Sowthistle
White Campion
Garlic Mustard
Hoary Alyssum
Ground Ivy
White Sweet Clover
Yellow Sweet Clover
Spotted Knapweed
And whatever the vine that is taking over everything is.

But in the midst of all this invasive crap I do find some native plants.

This I think is Solidago nemoralis (Gray Goldenrod) 

And I think this is Solidago canadensis (Canada Goldenrod)

This is Spotted Touch-me-not. Its a very cool plant. The hummingbirds like it, the sap from the plant can be used to treat athletes-foot, poison ivy & Stinging Nettle. Its leaves and stem look like impatiens but gets much taller.   
So if you find these in your yard they aren't weeds! They are native plants.

I think the definition of "garden weed" needs to be re defined. Invasive non-natives should be considered weeds. Itchy /spiny plants that are native should be given an astrix (*) that yes they are undesirable because they cause skin rash's they shouldnt be out right destroyed from your property. And any native that plant should no longer be considered a weed. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Veggies, my veggies

Here is what my edibles look like

Starting off with the first tomato (on a plant I started from seed)
Beans, peas, brocolli and brussel sprouts
Cabbage, swiss chard, parsnips
Beets, eggplant
Cucumber & Luffah Gourd
Acorn Squash and potatoes
Potatoes, tomatoes and green peppers

The Flowers

Here are some pictures of the yard, flowers in bloom etc.