Friday, June 10, 2011


Was just outside when it started to rain. Was about to head inside when i hear some loons calling. Im glad i had my phone with me. Not good video but great audio!

Variety of plants, animals and bugs

Some pics ive taken over the week

First monarch caterpillar on milkweed

Bittersweet Nightshade

possibly a 13 spotted lady bug. (native)

Fleabane (native)



Yellow Goat's Beard(non-native)

And a terrible picture of a Great Crested Flycatcher (i was stalking this bird for a few hours but it spends most of its time high up in the canopy so i couldnt get a good shot)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A doe, a bunny and some baby geese

Went out into the yard this morning and scared off what I think was a Doe (not sure). I didnt even realize it was in the yard.


Video of a young bunny in the garden.

Pair of Canadian Geese with their goslings.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

House Wren Video

Here is video of the House Wren going back to the chickadee nest in the bird house to continue his pillaging and wrath of destruction...

Not in anyway graphic. He only pulls out some feathers that most likely were nest lining. Interesting how he keeps looking back at the camera... like he knows he is being watched....

The darkside of the House Wren......

Earlier this week I was reading on a thread about House Wrens attacking and killing newly hatched Chickadee's.

TO read the original post:

I was interested because I couldnt believe it to be true and also since a pair of Chickadee's had moved in to the bird house that the House Wrens had lived in the past few summers.

I went out and took a look and found some terrible things. I cant say for sure if it was the House Wrens who did it but evidence points in their direction.
Chickadee hatchlings

Chickadee Egg

 This is where the suspected murderer lives.

Early morning and Tadpoles!

Long story short I was up before the sun.
I took some pictures and videos of the tadpoles down in the marsh.

Some videos.

For some reason, either its just in preview mode or something else, the embeded links to the other 2 videos are not showing up. So here is the direct links instead.

Also grabbed a picture of some Spittlebugs (yeah as in "spit". its because of the bubbles they make to surround themselves)

Also found what is either a dead mole or vole.