Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Cool Day

Its was a cool day outside, weather speaking and animal wise as well.
I was out on the deck with the tripod hoping to get some good pictures of the hummingbirds and maybe some video when somehow something on the roof caught my eye. It was most likely a weasel or a feret or something along those lines. Definatly not a flying squirrel as it was too big and the wrong size. Unfortunatly by the time i got the camera and tripod set in the right position and turned the camera back on i was notified that my battery was dead and also it was time for me to go into work. So no pictures of the animal.

But I did find a few different piles of fresh (at least from today) weasel scat.

According to my scats and tracks book you can tell its weasel scat because itsstriped like toothpaste. And well see for yourself.

 This is the area of the roof i saw it pop out of. There is a hole that was gnawed open almost near impossible to see it in the picture.

I am unsure if it is living in the roof or if it just found it way up there and is now devouring mice and any flying squirrels or other smaller animals living up there. Will be keeping an eye out for it for sure.

Here is one of the baby squirrels living in the tree nearest the deck. He poped his head out a few times today.

 A female Ruby Throated Hummingbird

 And the first few Milkweed Plants poping up

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