Sunday, July 28, 2013

Something has happened to my Eggplant

A few days ago I cut 2 eggplants of 2 different plants. My eggplant seem to be stunted this year and so I didnt want the first fruit to be the only fruit. 

This is what I found today when I went out and looked at them. 

I am not sure if the little bugs have anything to do with it, or if the white stuff is just tiny seeds from other plants stuck to the stem. 

I have one eggplant that has not been stricken with whatever this yet.  Hopefully the other two will find a way to come back. 

Variety pack! Bugs and birds!

Here are some new pictures ive taken since my last post!

Thistle started blooming and the Goldfinches have been enjoying spreading their seeds... I am not so thrilled about this.

Monarch Butterfly!

Red-Tailed Hawk

Monarch Caterpillar

Turkey Vulture

A very colorful Red-banded Leafhopper with a water droplet on its butt

Ceder Waxwings

Some sort of fly or wasp like bug (will update later)

Interesting white spider

The Ospreys have been busy gathering sticks for a new nest

A pretty feather that was in the yard

Big black wasp thing, they are all over the Milkweed this year

Red Dragonfly

Great Egret

A flock of old airplanes