Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Seedlings and blooms

This warm spring we've been having is nice, im loving it, but seriously I just want to put stuff in the ground. I want to get my little plants out of their plastic cups and into the soil so their roots can grow all big and strong.
The seeds I planted  I guess 9 days ago are all comming up (well except the parsnips).  Also I cant figure out if my potato's have come up or what is potato and what is weeds.


And Swiss Chard

The plum trees are blooming! It smells so great in the afternoon!
Also I put my trellis netting up. I had to order it on-line since the only "trellis netting" i could find was basically bird/deer netting, and even with shipping was more reasonably priced. (you can sort of see it in the right side of the photo)

The Primrose
Red Tulips

Also I didnt mention this in my last post because it isnt happy or great to read or think about. I found a corpse of a dead animal floating in the marsh 5 days ago. At first because i was so shocked by what I found i thought it was a dog or a fox. But I have come to the conclusion it was probably a raccoon. Part of me wants to think it occured naturally like a fox had attacked it, tore its front right paw to shreds and tore its throat and the animal crawled to the waters edge and fell in. But it seems fishy to me. I wouldnt be surprised if someone had put out a trap, the raccoon got caught and the person threw it in the marsh.
Either way its interesting to watch it break down and the fact there is no strong odor from the animal makes investigating that much easier. Yesterday when I visited there were thousands of tiny red worms feeding on the fur and muck sitting on the bottom of the shallow area its floating it.  I just hope the thing doesn't suddenly burst open when im down there looking at it.
I will refrain from posting the pictures cause they are nasty.

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