Monday, December 7, 2009

Wild Turkeys

This past summer a pair of wild turkeys built a nest in our neighbors yard and hatched 7 chicks. They spent a good amount of time foraging between yards and even used our deck as a perch for some flight training.

This picture was taken at the end of July 2009.

The turkeys have been seen less frequently since mid September. During the summer i would see them daily but in September the city of Shoreview came in and mowed down/ ripped to shreds a major portion of the hill behind my yard. The vegetation and trees were getting too close to the power lines and instead of just trimming things back they decimated the hill. It went from having trees and grass to being left as a mess of dirt and wood chips. Unfortunately this was near the area of the nest and im sure is the reason for their moving.


  1. That is so cool! LOL.

    That must've been something to see. The "teenager turkeys" look so cute.

  2. unfortunatley i was out of town when this occured. But i do enjoy to look at these photos. I never saw them up on the deck :(
