Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Time pictures and a video!

So its spring.  Its been fun to watch the animals pair up and fight over nesting spots.

We have had 10 Great White Egrets in the Marsh this year.
Here is a photo of just one of them. The interesting thing that I noticed is that Egrets do not like Bald Eagles. I have noticed that everytime a Bald Eagle flys over all the Egrets in the Marsh will take to the air until the Eagle has left the area. One afternoon the Eagle landed in a tree overlooking the marsh and the Egrets circled for about 10 mins before finding a corner out of the Eagles line of sight. 

Here is a Mallard. 
And a group of 3 males 
 What I find interesting about the Mallards is how far a Male Mallard will chase another male or another pair away from his female and nesting site. I watched the same male chase off another pair of Mallards and fly over 5 mins in the air around the marsh before returning to his female.

Here is a picture of the first Earthworm of the year.

First Crocus
and his friends a day later

A Muskrat from before the snow and ice was all gone.
here is a video i took just yesterday at sun set. Its a really big Muskrat... or a Beaver, probably a muskrat.
A pair of Northern Shovelers
And a really bad photo of what I am fairley certain is an American Coot
Wood Ducks in a tree

The Red Squirrel
The Chipmunk who lives under the deck and who i feed peanuts to
I went for a walk over on the north end of Snail Lake. Found a pair of Turkeys but couldnt get a clear shot. I am afraid to get too close and have a big tom Turkey charge me.
A dead frog.
Great Blue Heron

And lastly I saw this Canadian Goose the other day.  He's tagged. But i cant read the numbers.
The tag could say 3QL50.

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