Monday, July 8, 2013

Pictures from the cabin and the backyard

Well it's finally really summer out there.

I was up in Lake Park, MN on Turtle Lake for the week.

There was a pair of Loons that would make laps around the lake all day.

Found a Dragonfly shedding its exoskeleton which was really cool!

I went fishing, but the fish in Turtle Lake are smart so I didnt catch many. But one morning I caught a Northern, and it swallowed the lure as usual. I hope it swam off and didn't die.

And now that I am back the yard is looking very green and lovely.

But, the deer are playing games. This is a picture of my cucumber, zucchini and squash plants around noon today.

And this is about 30 mins ago.

I no longer have any squash. Maybe they will come back like the zucchini and cumbers did last week after being attacked.

A dragonfly on the black-berries

Here are some shots of the yard.


A few roses in bloom

There are tomatoes, lettuce, and dill in this bed. There were also beets but the bunnies i think ate all the seedlings.  And there is a lot of Milkweed in this bed. I try not to pull milkweed because I want the Monarchs to have someplace to lay their eggs and well this year the milkweed sure has been taking over.
 Butterfly Weed.
 Back left is Potato, on the right is Peppers, and the bottom there are eggplants that are not getting very big (maybe 8 inches) and are already making fruit.
 This trellis I had used in the past for Loofah, cucumbers, beans. I planted some loofah just to see what would happen and instead just have a ton of Milkweed.
 Lots of milkweed popping up in the hay and blackberries

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